Friday, January 29, 2016

PO Approval History Query in Oracle apps

Action History on PO and REQ  

SELECT DISTINCT prha.segment1 req
              , pha.segment1 po
              , gcc.segment3 acct
              , acct_desc.description acct_desc
              , gcc.segment4 ctr
              , ctr_desc.description ctr_desc
              , papf.full_name req_raised_by
              , reqah.full_name req_last_approver
              , poah.full_name po_last_approver
              , pv.vendor_name supplier
              , pvsa.vendor_site_code site
           FROM po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
              , po.po_line_locations_all plla
              , po.po_lines_all pla
              , po.po_headers_all pha
              , po.po_distributions_all pda
              , gl.gl_code_combinations gcc
              , apps.po_vendors pv
              , apps.po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
              , apps.fnd_flex_values_vl acct_desc
              , apps.fnd_flex_values_vl ctr_desc
              , hr.per_all_people_f papf
              , (SELECT papf.full_name
                      , pah.action_code
                      , pah.object_id
                   FROM po.po_action_history pah
                      , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
                      , applsys.fnd_user fu
                      , hr.per_all_people_f papf
                  WHERE object_id = prha.requisition_header_id
                    AND pah.employee_id = fu.employee_id
                    AND fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
                    AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                                    AND papf.effective_end_date
                    AND pah.object_type_code = 'REQUISITION'
                    AND pah.action_code = 'APPROVE'
                    AND pah.sequence_num =
                           (SELECT MAX(sequence_num)
                              FROM po.po_action_history pah1
                             WHERE pah1.object_id = pah.object_id
                               AND pah1.object_type_code = 'REQUISITION'
                               AND pah1.action_code = 'APPROVE')) reqah
              , (SELECT papf.full_name
                      , pah.action_code
                      , pah.object_id
                   FROM po.po_action_history pah
                      , po.po_headers_all pha
                      , applsys.fnd_user fu
                      , hr.per_all_people_f papf
                  WHERE object_id = pha.po_header_id
                    AND pah.employee_id = fu.employee_id
                    AND fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
                    AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                                    AND papf.effective_end_date
                    AND pah.object_type_code = 'PO'
                    AND pah.action_code = 'APPROVE'
                    AND pah.sequence_num =
                           (SELECT MAX(sequence_num)
                              FROM po.po_action_history pah1
                             WHERE pah1.object_id = pah.object_id
                               AND pah1.object_type_code = 'PO'
                               AND pah1.action_code = 'APPROVE')) poah
          WHERE prha.requisition_header_id = prla.requisition_header_id
            AND prla.line_location_id = plla.line_location_id
            AND plla.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
            AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
            AND pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
            AND pda.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
            AND reqah.object_id = prha.requisition_header_id
            AND poah.object_id = pha.po_header_id
            AND prha.preparer_id = papf.person_id
            AND gcc.segment3 = acct_desc.flex_value
            AND gcc.segment4 = ctr_desc.flex_value
            AND pha.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
            AND pha.vendor_site_id = pvsa.vendor_site_id
            AND pv.vendor_id = pvsa.vendor_id
            AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
                            AND papf.effective_end_date
            AND prha.creation_date >= '01-APR-2009'
            AND prha.creation_date <= '03-APR-2009'
       ORDER BY prha.segment1
              , gcc.segment4

Checking Requisition Approval History for a specific member of staff

SELECT   pah.action_code
       , pah.object_id
       , pah.action_date
       , pah.sequence_num step
       , pah.creation_date
       , prha.segment1 req_num
       , prha.wf_item_key
       , prha.authorization_status
       , fu.description
       , papf.full_name hr_full_name
       , papf.employee_number emp_no
       , pj.NAME job
    FROM po.po_action_history pah
       , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
       , applsys.fnd_user fu
       , hr.per_all_people_f papf
       , hr.per_all_assignments_f paaf
       , hr.per_jobs pj
   WHERE object_id = prha.requisition_header_id
     AND pah.employee_id = fu.employee_id
     AND fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
     AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
     AND paaf.job_id = pj.job_id
     AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date ANDpapf.effective_end_date
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date ANDpaaf.effective_end_date
     AND pah.object_type_code = 'REQUISITION'
     AND pah.action_code = 'APPROVE'
     AND papf.full_name = :pn
ORDER BY pah.creation_date desc;


Checking Purchase Order Approval History for a specific member of staff

SELECT   pah.action_code
       , pah.object_id
       , pah.action_date
       , pah.sequence_num step
       , pah.creation_date
       , pha.segment1 po_num
       , fu.description
       , papf.full_name hr_full_name
       , papf.employee_number emp_no
       , papf.person_id
       , fu.user_name
       , pj.NAME job
    FROM po.po_action_history pah
       , po.po_headers_all pha
       , applsys.fnd_user fu
       , hr.per_all_people_f papf
       , hr.per_all_assignments_f paaf
       , hr.per_jobs pj
   WHERE object_id = pha.po_header_id
     AND pah.employee_id = fu.employee_id
     AND fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
     AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
     AND paaf.job_id = pj.job_id
     AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date ANDpapf.effective_end_date
     AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date ANDpaaf.effective_end_date
     AND pah.object_type_code = 'PO'
     AND pah.action_code = 'APPROVE'
     AND papf.full_name = :pn
ORDER BY pah.sequence_num;


Friday, January 8, 2016

How to add a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) in a custom Oracle Apps form

How to add a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) in a custom Oracle Apps form

Step 1: Create the custom table
We have created a custom table with the following script,
CREATE TABLE xx_supplier_blacklist ( blacklist_id NUMBER NOT NULLPRIMARY KEY,
                            supp_number VARCHAR2(30),
                            supp_name VARCHAR2(240),
                            address   VARCHAR2(1000),
                            LOCATION VARCHAR2(2),
                            supp_lob      VARCHAR2(240),
                            blklist_flag  VARCHAR2(3),
                            reason_blklist  VARCHAR2(240),
                            reason_details VARCHAR2(1000),
                            date_blklist   DATE,
                            date_remove  DATE,
                            reason_blk_remove VARCHAR2(240),
                            detail_reason_remove VARCHAR2(1000),
                            linkage VARCHAR2(3) ,
                            attribute_category  VARCHAR2(150),
                            attribute1  VARCHAR2(240),
                            attribute2  VARCHAR2(240),
                            attribute3  VARCHAR2(240),
                            attribute4  VARCHAR2(240),
                            attribute5  VARCHAR2(240)
Step 2: Register the custom table
We need to register the custom table in Oracle since we need to add the attributes, attribute1..attribute5 as DFF.

Execute the table registration API.
v_appl_short_name   VARCHAR2 (40) := 'XXCUST';
   v_tab_name          VARCHAR2 (32) := 'XX_USER_TABLE'; -- Change the table name if you require
   v_tab_type          VARCHAR2 (50) := 'T';
   v_next_extent       NUMBER        := 512;
   v_pct_free          NUMBER;
   v_pct_used          NUMBER;
   -- Unregister the custom table if it exists
   ad_dd.delete_table (p_appl_short_name             => 'XXCUST', p_tab_name => v_tab_name);

   -- Register the custom table
   FOR tab_details IN (SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, pct_free, pct_used, ini_trans, max_trans, initial_extent, next_extent
                         FROM dba_tables
                        WHERE table_name = v_tab_name)
      ad_dd.register_table (p_appl_short_name             => v_appl_short_name,
                            p_tab_name                    => tab_details.table_name,
                            p_tab_type                    => v_tab_type,
                            p_next_extent                 => NVL (tab_details.next_extent, 512),
                            p_pct_free                    => NVL (tab_details.pct_free, 10),
                            p_pct_used                    => NVL (tab_details.pct_used, 70)

   -- Register the columns of custom table
   FOR all_tab_cols IN (SELECT column_name, column_id, data_type, data_length, nullable
                          FROM all_tab_columns
                         WHERE table_name = v_tab_name)
      ad_dd.register_column (p_appl_short_name             => v_appl_short_name,
                             p_tab_name                    => v_tab_name,
                             p_col_name                    => all_tab_cols.column_name,
                             p_col_seq                     => all_tab_cols.column_id,
                             p_col_type                    => all_tab_cols.data_type,
                             p_col_width                   => all_tab_cols.data_length,
                             p_nullable                    => all_tab_cols.nullable,
                             p_translate                   => 'N',
                             p_precision                   => NULL,
                             p_scale                       => NULL

   FOR all_keys IN (SELECT constraint_name, table_name, constraint_type
                      FROM all_constraints
                     WHERE constraint_type = 'P' AND table_name = v_tab_name)
      ad_dd.register_primary_key (p_appl_short_name             => v_appl_short_name,
                                  p_key_name                    => all_keys.constraint_name,
                                  p_tab_name                    => all_keys.table_name,
                                  p_description                 => 'Register primary key',
                                  p_key_type                    => 'S',
                                  p_audit_flag                  => 'N',
                                  p_enabled_flag                => 'Y'

      FOR all_columns IN (SELECT column_name, POSITION
                            FROM dba_cons_columns
                           WHERE table_name = all_keys.table_name ANDconstraint_name = all_keys.constraint_name)
         ad_dd.register_primary_key_column (p_appl_short_name             => v_appl_short_name,
                                            p_key_name                    => all_keys.constraint_name,
                                            p_tab_name                    => all_keys.table_name,
                                            p_col_name                    => all_columns.column_name,
                                            p_col_sequence                => all_columns.POSITION
      END LOOP;


Once the table registration API completes successfully, log in to Oracle Apps.
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Application > Database > Table
Query for the custom table, XX_USER_TABLE

Step 3: Register the DFF in Oracle Apps
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Flexfield > Descriptive > Register

Enter the values as,
Application: Custom Applications
Title: Blacklist
Table Application: Custom Applications
Description: Blacklist context flexfield
Context Prompt: Context Value
DFV View Name: (This value is left blank. If we set up a database view later on we shall add its name here)

Click on Columns

The list of columns are displayed here. If the box named, Enabled, is checked then the column is set to be part of DFF. Notice that Oracle has checked the ATTRIBUTE columns as DFF by default. If you want to add any column, you may check the Enabled box.
The column ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY is not displayed in this list of columns as is already declared as the DFF Structure column in the previous screen.
Close this form and go back to Descriptive Flexfields form.
Click on Reference Fields

The list of reference fields are displayed here. We do not have any at the moment. Save and close the DFF form.

Configure the DFF segments
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments

Query for the Title = Blacklist

Click on Segments
Create a new Segment
Number: 10
Name: Parent Supplier
Window Prompt: Parent Supplier
Click on Column to pull up the LOV with the columns

Select a column and a value set.

Then Freeze the flexfield by checking the box on the main DFF Segments form.

Save the form so that Oracle compiles the DFF. Once the compilation is over the DFF is ready to be used.
Step 4: Configure Forms Builder
Forms builder has to be configured for developing Oracle Apps forms. 

Step 5: Develop the custom form for Oracle Apps

We have created a new block named, XX_SUPPLIER_BLACKLIST. Add a new field in the block for the DFF.
We have named the field, DFF.

The important properties to be set are,
Subclass Information: TEXT_ITEM_DESC_FLEX
Required: No
Canvas: <Set the name of the Canvas manually since the item was created manually>
Database Item: No
Insert Allowed: Yes
Update Allowed: Yes
List of Values: ENABLE_LIST_LAMP
Validate From List: No
Notice the DFF text item on the canvas.

Now create a procedure in the form as given below,
PROCEDURE xx_supplier_blacklist_dff (event VARCHAR2)
      fnd_descr_flex.define (BLOCK                         => 'XX_SUPPLIER_BLACKLIST', -- Name of the DFF
                             FIELD                         => 'DFF',
                             appl_short_name               => 'CUSTOM',
                             desc_flex_name                => 'BLACKLIST_FLEX'
   END IF;

Now we need to add the call to this function when the form is initiated. Therefore we need to call the procedure from WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE. Open the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger.
Add the following line to call the inbuilt procedure,
xx_supplier_blacklist_dff ('WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE');

Finally we need to raise the event to call the DFF when the DFF field is clicked on. This will ensure that the DFF segments will be displayed.
Create a trigger, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE, on the block item named, DFF, and add the following line,
Save the form and compile it on the server.
Oracle apps provides the API named, FND_FLEX, for Descriptive flexfield events. You can to write all the block level triggers to have consistent normal behaviour of the descriptive flexfield.
You will find a new procedure in the Program Units section

The code in the procedure is,

PROCEDURE xx_supplier_blacklist_dff (event VARCHAR2)
fnd_descr_flex.define (BLOCK => ‘XX_SUPPLIER_BLACKLIST’, — Name of the DFF
FIELD => ‘DFF’, — Field name
appl_short_name => ‘XXCUST’, — Custom Applications
desc_flex_name => ‘BLACKLIST_FLEX’
This procedure has been generated by Oracle for invoking the flex field window and its functionality.

Step 6: Register the form
Now we need to register the form in Oracle Applications
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Application > Form
Enter the form details
Application: Custom Applications
User Form Name: Supplier Blacklist form
Description: Supplier Blacklist form

Register the form function
Navigation: Application > Function

Description Tab
Enter the following:
User Function Name: Supplier Blacklist Func
Description: Supplier Blacklist function
Properties Tab
Type: Form
Form Tab

Form: Supplier Blacklist form
Save and close the form. Now the form is registered.

Step 7: Attach the form function to a menu/responsibility
After the form and the form functions are created we need to attach the form function to a menu that is attached to a responsibility. Once this is done the form will be accessible to us from that responsibility and other responsibilities which use that menu.
We would like to access the form from the responsibility named, IN AP Manager (HO). Let us open the responsibility form.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for responsibility, IN AP Manager (HO).

Note the Menu name. It is AP_NAVIGATE_GUI12.
Navigate to Application > Menu.
Query for User Menu Name = AP_NAVIGATE_GUI12.

Scroll down to the bottom of the lines and add a line.
Seq: 55
Prompt: Blacklist
Function: Supplier Blacklist Func

Description: Supplier Blacklist Function
Save and close the form. You will get a popup message saying that the menu us being recompiled. Now the form function is attached to the menu and will be accessible to us from the responsibility.

Test the form
Log in to Oracle and go to the responsibility, IN AP Manager (HO) as we had attached the form to the menu of this responsibility (Step 7).

Note the function, Blacklist, at the bottom of the navigation menu. Click on this function.

The form opens up. Now click on the DFF field on the bottom right.

Now the DFF form has also opened. Let us enter some values in the form as shown below.

Save the form. Query the data from the table and let us see if the data has been entered properly into the attribute columns. In this case we have setup only ATTRIBUTE1 as the DFF segment (Step 2).

How to use Key Flex Fields (KFF) in forms

These are the steps required to implement KFF in customization.
  •  Define KFF fields in your database tables.
The custom table should contain a field named as XXX_ID (where XXX means the entity. For ex. PART_ID, CODE_COMBINATION_ID etc) to capture the selected code combination ID.
  • Register the table with Oracle AOL.
  • Register the KFF with Oracle AOL
Logon as
Application Developer -> Flex fields -> Key -> Register
Existing KFF can also be used. Ex. Accounting FF
  • Create KFF in the custom form
1. Create a form based on the custom table.
2. In the block, create two non-base table text items of data type CHAR (2000). One text item is to store the code combinations (Say BTL_KFF ) and other one is to store description of the code (Say BTL_KFF_DESC. Make this item as non-updateable).
  • Add KFF standard built-ins in the form to invoke KFF
The custom table should contain a field named as XXX_ID (where XXX means the entity. For ex. PART_ID, CODE_COMBINATION_ID etc) to capture the selected code combination ID.
this is typical registration of KFF. For Customization in custom development here are the steps:
1. Write a form level trigger WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE to invoke the KFF as
Description =>  'DESC',
Appl_short_name => 'SQLGL',
Code => 'GL#',
Num => '50608',
VRULE=>'\\nSUMMARY_FLAG\\nI\\nAPPL=SQLGL;NAME=GL_NO_PARENT_SEGMENT_ALLOWED\\nN', where_clause => 'summary_flag != ''Y''', QUERY_SECURITY =>'Y');
In above defination take a note,
·         These arguments specify location
·         All fields must reside in same block
·         ID is for Key Flexfields only
·         These arguments indicate which flexfield is being used
·         Short name is application where flexfield is registered
·         SQLGL is Oracle General Ledger
·         SQLAP is Oracle Payables
·         Code identifies Key Flexfield
·         GL# is Accounting Flexfield
·         Num is Key Flexfield structure number. Default is 101
2. XXX_ID will store the code combination ID for each selection.
3.Invoke Flexfield functionality by calling FND_Flex.Event(event) from:

3. Write an item level trigger WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE on BTL_KFF as
4. Write an item level trigger KEY-EDIT on BTL_KFF as
5. Write an item level trigger WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM on BTL_KFF as
FND_MESSAGE.SET_STRING('You Have Selected An Undefined Code Combination !');
These steps makes you flexfield enable in your form.