Wednesday, June 6, 2018

AR AutoAccounting Rules

AutoAccounting enables to create default accounts for revenue, receivable, freight, tax, unearned revenue, unbilled receivable, late charges, bills receivables accounts, and AutoInvoice clearing (suspense) accounts. Based on the setup the receivable account is defaulted on the Invoice line Distributions. It help as an account generator.

Accounts which can be setup to use AutoAccounting

  • Autoinvoice Clearing – Formerly called Suspense Account,  is used to specify the clearing account for your imported transactions. This account holds any difference between the specified revenue amount and the selling price times the quantity for imported invoice lines. This account will be used if you enable Create Clearing, in the Autoinvoice Options tab for the batch source of your imported transactions.
  • Bills Receivable – This account is used to record the Receivable amount for a completed or accepted Bills Receivable
  • Factored Bills Receivable – This account is used to record the Receivable amount for Bills
    Receivable transactions remitted as Factored with Recourse
  • Freight – This account will be used to record Freight amounts, it cannot be based on tax code.
Note: If you choose standard item as a source, you will not be able to import invoices with header level freight though Autoinvoice.
  • Receivable – This account  is used to record the Receivable amounts for transactions, it cannot be based on your inventory item or tax code
  • Remitted Bills Receivable – This account is used to record the Receivable amounts when remitting a Bills Receivable with Standard Remittance
  • Revenue – This account is used to record the Revenue amounts, it cannot be based on tax code.
  • Tax – This account is used to record the Tax amounts.
  • Unbilled Receivable – This account is used for transactions which use the Bill in Arrears invoicing rule, it cannot be based on tax code.
  • Unearned Revenue– This account is used for transactions which use the Bill in Advance invoicing rule, it cannot be based on tax code.
  • Unpaid Bills Receivable– This account is used to record the Receivable amount when you mark a Bills Receivable as Unpaid.

Sources for AutoAccounting

Depending upon which of the above accounts you are setting up, the value for the source of each segment can come from various Table Sources as shown in the following table.
Autoinvoice ClearingSalesreps
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Bills ReceivableTransaction Types
Factored Bills ReceivableRemittance Banks
Transaction Types
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Transaction Types
Remitted Bills ReceivableRemittance Banks
Transaction Types
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Unbilled ReceivableSalesreps
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Unearned RevenueSalesreps
Standard Lines
Transaction Types
Unpaid Bills ReceivableSites
Transaction Types

Refrence #

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Interface Trip Stop Functionality

There are typically four interface program get triggered at the time of ship confirm. They are 
  • Interface Trip stop
  • Packing Slip Report
  • Bill of Lading
  • Invoice
Interface Trip Stop is one of the main interface programs which can be triggered at the time of ship confirm or later as Interface Trip stop - SRS concurrent request.

Interface trip stop has two parts
  • Order Management Interface (First part)
  • Inventory Interface (Second part)
Order Management Interface part update the order management tables like OE_ORDER_LINES_All (Update Shipped_Quantity, Shipping_Quantity, Actual_Shipment_Date) and also WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS (make Released_status, OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’) table.

The Inv_Interfaced_Flag remains = X (Pending) or N which will changes to Y after execution of second part

The second part i.e. Inventory Interface will be triggered only if the value of OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’ otherwise second part will not be triggered. Even if you try to run this from SRS, these lines will not be picked for processing. 

Inventory Interface part move data from MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANACTIONS and MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS is updated with Sales Order Issue transaction. Also data is deleted from MTL_DEMAND, MTL_RESERVATIONS and WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES. Item quantity reduced from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES and 
MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS is updated with accounting information.