AUTOINVOICE and Its's Usage
Auto Invoice Program is run once the Sales order is fulfilled in the shipping execution module of order management. It is used to used to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems from which one can create invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on-account credits. It rejects transactions with invalid information to insure the integrity of the data. This fits well with in Oracle ERP or to integrate with any third party application.
(OR )
Auto Invoice is a tool you can use to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices, debit memos, credit me account credits in Oracle Receivables. You use a custom feeder program to transfer transaction data from an external system into the Auto Invoice in Auto Invoice then selects data from the interface tables and creates a transaction in Receivables. Receivables reject transactions with invalid inform the integrity of your data.
Oracle Receivables can create invoices from the following Oracle applications: OM, Projects, Service contracts, Property Manager. It also invoices from non-Oracle applications too. Eg: Legacy system, Non-Oracle billing applications, Non-Oracle Order Entry applications.
Following are the three interface tables for Auto Invoice:
4. AutoInvoice Exception Handling:
Records that fail validation are called Exceptions ·
Exceptions stay in Interface Tables which is RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL.
· Errors can be corrected in the Exception Handling window. ·
Once corrections are made, Auto invoice must be resubmitted. ·
Records that pass validation get transferred to Receivables tables.
AutoInvoice import Process
Some validation are generally done on the below columns.
• Batch_source_name
• Set_of_books_id
• Orig_sys_batch_name
• orig_system_bill_customer_ref
• orig_system_bill_address_ref
• Line_Type
• Currency_Code
• Term_name
• Transaction_type
• Interface_line_attribute1-7
• Account_class
• Accounting Flexfields segments
How Data is flowing?
Select, insert and update and delete take place on certain tables once it is logged out.
AutoInvoice Exception Handling
Records that fail validation are called ‘Exceptions’
Exceptions stay in Interface Tables which is RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL
Errors can be corrected in the Exception Handling window
Once corrections are made, Auto invoice must be resubmitted
Records that pass validation get transferred to Receivables tables
AutoInvoice Exception Handling Windows
-Interface Exception window displays exception messages associated with all invalid records
-Interface Lines window displays records that fail validation, provides an error message and can be used to correct the errors
-The Line Errors windows displays errors associated with a specific line, and can only be opened from Interface Lines window
-Interface Exceptions window displays Interface Id, Exception Type, Error Message and Invalid Value associated to the error
-Data cannot be edited in this window, but error can be viewed and corrected by clicking the Details button
-Error Message and Column name with invalid data are displayed in the Message column, and the invalid value that needs to be corrected is displayed in the Invalid Value column
Refrences #
Auto Invoice Program is run once the Sales order is fulfilled in the shipping execution module of order management. It is used to used to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems from which one can create invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on-account credits. It rejects transactions with invalid information to insure the integrity of the data. This fits well with in Oracle ERP or to integrate with any third party application.
(OR )
Auto Invoice is a tool you can use to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices, debit memos, credit me account credits in Oracle Receivables. You use a custom feeder program to transfer transaction data from an external system into the Auto Invoice in Auto Invoice then selects data from the interface tables and creates a transaction in Receivables. Receivables reject transactions with invalid inform the integrity of your data.
Oracle Receivables can create invoices from the following Oracle applications: OM, Projects, Service contracts, Property Manager. It also invoices from non-Oracle applications too. Eg: Legacy system, Non-Oracle billing applications, Non-Oracle Order Entry applications.
Following are the three interface tables for Auto Invoice:
AutoInvoice consists of 3 main programs. Each program will have unique nature of work to do and they are called internally except Purge program whose execution is derived on the setup otherwise ready to execute stand alone.
• Master (RAXMTR)
• Import (RAXTRX)
• Purge (RAXDEL)
• Import (RAXTRX)
• Purge (RAXDEL)
Auto Invoice Master program RAXMTR
1. Selects and marks records in the interface tables to be processed based on the parameters the user entered and then calls the Auto Invoice Import program. Auto Invoice Master Program has no report output.
•Gathers statistics, it means it gathers the stats on interface tables and set the stats on certain indices on interface tables
•Marks interface records for processing by marking request_id
•Submits multiple workers for Parallel Processing by creating instances for request.
•Marks interface records for processing by marking request_id
•Submits multiple workers for Parallel Processing by creating instances for request.
2. Auto Invoice Import Program
Validates the selected record and creates a transaction if it passes validation. Any record that fails validation is left in the interface table with an error code. Depending on the setup, related records may be rejected as well. This program has an output file called Auto Invoice Execution report, which you can view by clicking the View Report button in the Requests window.
• Validates data
• Inserts records
• Deletes interface data
• Only when system option purge set to ‘Y’
• Inserts records
• Deletes interface data
• Only when system option purge set to ‘Y’
3. Auto Invoice Purge Program
Deletes records from the interface tables. If you set the Purge Interface Table system option to No in Define System Options window, Auto Invoice does not delete processed records from the interface tables after each run, and we must submit Auto Invoice Purge Program periodically to clean up the interface tables. This program only deletes transaction lines that have been successfully imported.
•Deletes all rows where interface_status =‘P’
•Deletes all rows where interface_status =‘P’
4. AutoInvoice Exception Handling:
Records that fail validation are called Exceptions ·
Exceptions stay in Interface Tables which is RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL.
· Errors can be corrected in the Exception Handling window. ·
Once corrections are made, Auto invoice must be resubmitted. ·
Records that pass validation get transferred to Receivables tables.
AutoInvoice import Process
A custom feeder program is required to transfer data from the legacy system or Oracle modules (OM , Priojects etc ) and populate the Auto Invoice interface tables (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL).If there is need to run populate sales credit into RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL table.
When run, AutoInvoiceproduces the AutoInvoice Execution Report and the AutoInvoice Validation Report.
Any entries which failed validation can be reviewed in Oracle Receivables’ AutoInvoice Interface Exceptions window. Depending on the error, changes may need to be made in Receivables, the feeder program or the imported records in the interface tables.
The main three steps for AR Invoice Interface are:
1] Put the data into your staging tables.
2] Call your package to validate the data and load into AR Interface tables (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL & RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL).
3] Then submits a concurrent request for AutoInvoice.
If any errors occur it can be found in the ra_interface_errors_all table. The concurrent program has 2 stages. First the Master program fires which intern kicks of the Import Program. Once this is completed data is inserted into the following tables.
1) ra_customer_trx_all (Invoice Header Info)
2) ra_customer_trx_lines_all (Invoice Line Level Info)
3) ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all (Accounting Info. One record for each Account Type is inserted into this… ex. Receivable Revenue Tax Freight etc)
4) ar_payment_schedules_all (All Payment related info)
1] Put the data into your staging tables.
2] Call your package to validate the data and load into AR Interface tables (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL & RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL).
3] Then submits a concurrent request for AutoInvoice.
If any errors occur it can be found in the ra_interface_errors_all table. The concurrent program has 2 stages. First the Master program fires which intern kicks of the Import Program. Once this is completed data is inserted into the following tables.
1) ra_customer_trx_all (Invoice Header Info)
2) ra_customer_trx_lines_all (Invoice Line Level Info)
3) ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all (Accounting Info. One record for each Account Type is inserted into this… ex. Receivable Revenue Tax Freight etc)
4) ar_payment_schedules_all (All Payment related info)
Some validation are generally done on the below columns.
• Batch_source_name
• Set_of_books_id
• Orig_sys_batch_name
• orig_system_bill_customer_ref
• orig_system_bill_address_ref
• Line_Type
• Currency_Code
• Term_name
• Transaction_type
• Interface_line_attribute1-7
• Account_class
• Accounting Flexfields segments
1- AR Transaction Type Validation: Check if the Transaction type provided in data file is defined in AR transaction types (RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL)
2- Transaction Batch Source Validation: Check if the source provided in data file is defined in AR transaction Batch source (RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL).
3- Invoice Currency Validation: Check if the currency provided in data file is defined in AR Currency (FND_CURRENCIES).
4- Customer Validation: Check if the Bill to Customer Number, Ship to Customer Number, Bill to Custom Location, Ship to Customer Location provided in the data file is defined in AR Customer (RA_CUSTOMERS).
5- Primary Sales Representative Validation: Sales representative number to be hardcode to “-3” for “No Sales Credit.”
6- Term Name: Check if the Term name provided in the data file is defined in Payment terms (RA_TERMS)
7- Inventory Item Validation: Check if the Item provided in data file is defined in Inventory Items (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS).
8- Unit of Measurement validation: Check if the UOM provided is defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE Table
9- Invoice Tax Code Validation: Check if the Tax Code provided in data file is defined in AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Table.
10- Invoice GL Date Validation: Check if the GL Data of provided invoices is in open period.
2- Transaction Batch Source Validation: Check if the source provided in data file is defined in AR transaction Batch source (RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL).
3- Invoice Currency Validation: Check if the currency provided in data file is defined in AR Currency (FND_CURRENCIES).
4- Customer Validation: Check if the Bill to Customer Number, Ship to Customer Number, Bill to Custom Location, Ship to Customer Location provided in the data file is defined in AR Customer (RA_CUSTOMERS).
5- Primary Sales Representative Validation: Sales representative number to be hardcode to “-3” for “No Sales Credit.”
6- Term Name: Check if the Term name provided in the data file is defined in Payment terms (RA_TERMS)
7- Inventory Item Validation: Check if the Item provided in data file is defined in Inventory Items (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS).
8- Unit of Measurement validation: Check if the UOM provided is defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE Table
9- Invoice Tax Code Validation: Check if the Tax Code provided in data file is defined in AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Table.
10- Invoice GL Date Validation: Check if the GL Data of provided invoices is in open period.
What happens when AutoInvoice run?
Once the Auto invoice Program gets called, the following activity takes place is part of the execution process. When imported transactions are processed through the AutoInvoice program, the following events happen:
• Line, accounting, and sales credit information populate three Receivables interface tables.
• Transaction lines are ordered and grouped by the grouping and line ordering rules defined.
• If the Contingencies for the Invoice lines are passed in AR_INTERFACE_CONTS_ALL
table, then a contingency is created on the appropriate line. Additionally, In the process
of creating invoice line via Autoinvoice, all the enabled rules for Revenue Contingencies
will get evaluated. If the matching criteria of the rules are met, the default contingencies
are assigned to the invoice line. The Revenue Management Engine will immediately
defer revenue for invoice lines that have contingencies assigned.
• The transaction is stamped with legal entity information. Because each transaction can only
belong to one legal entity when multiple legal entities exist the system optionally
defaults a legal entity from the transaction type or transaction batch source, if defined. If
legal entity defaults are not defined, then the user must enter the legal entity manually.
AutoInvoice performs the following payment terms validations for imported balance
forward billing (BFB) transactions:
- Transactions with balance forward billing payment terms have a balance forward
billing enabled at the account and site profiles.
- Transactions with non-balance forward billing payment terms for balance forward
billing customers have the Override Terms check box selected.
- Transactions with balance forward billing payment terms having the External
billing cycle have a billing date.
• Tax is calculated by Oracle E-Business Tax.
• GL (General Ledger) date is determined by the accounting rules or, if rules are not used,
from the ship or sales order date.
• GL accounts are assigned using AutoAccounting, except where accounting is provided on
the transaction.
• Tax, freight, commitments, and credit memos are linked to transaction lines based on the
Reference ID or Reference flexfield.
• All transactions are batched by batch source name and request ID.
• Validated lines are used to create the transactions.
• Error lines remain in the Interface Table for correction.
How Data is flowing?
Select, insert and update and delete take place on certain tables once it is logged out.
AutoInvoice Exception Handling
Records that fail validation are called ‘Exceptions’
Exceptions stay in Interface Tables which is RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL
Errors can be corrected in the Exception Handling window
Once corrections are made, Auto invoice must be resubmitted
Records that pass validation get transferred to Receivables tables
AutoInvoice Exception Handling Windows
-Interface Exception window displays exception messages associated with all invalid records
-Interface Lines window displays records that fail validation, provides an error message and can be used to correct the errors
-The Line Errors windows displays errors associated with a specific line, and can only be opened from Interface Lines window
-Interface Exceptions window displays Interface Id, Exception Type, Error Message and Invalid Value associated to the error
-Data cannot be edited in this window, but error can be viewed and corrected by clicking the Details button
-Error Message and Column name with invalid data are displayed in the Message column, and the invalid value that needs to be corrected is displayed in the Invalid Value column
Refrences #
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