Sunday, November 6, 2016

Oracle SLA Questions and Answers

Also refer to the blog "Interview pointers" section in header page for more details....

Is SUBLEDGER ACCOUNTING a different Module?

No, it is not a separate module; it does not have a separate responsibility for the users to
login. Subledger Accounting Method menus are clubbed together with the respective

Subledger modules wherever applicable.
Every Module, which is covered by a Subledger accounting method, will have Subledger

accounting method menu in it. One cannot make a setup for one module from different
module, i.e. one cannot make a change on the Subledger setup of payables module from

receivables module. Since Subledger menu available in each module are specific to the
setups in that module only.

Is it mandatory to define a Subledger accounting method during Release 12

One must understand that every fresh installation of oracle apps comes with 5 seeded
accounting methods stated earlier, which are sufficient enough to meet the generic

requirements of the client and business. However due to different statutory requirements
through out the world and different nature of businesses, accounting requirements varies

between client to client. In those circumstances alone, based on the clients requirement
one can define their own Subledger accounting method

What will happen if I made alterations to the existing seeded Subledger accounting

You cannot make alterations to the seeded Subledger accounting methods provided by
oracle. In any Subledger form whenever you see ORACLE name under the owner field it

means that, those setups are owned by ORACLE, which cannot be altered.
If I want to make very few changes to the existing Subledger accounting method seeded

by oracle, since it meets 99% of my business requirement apart from minor changes, and
I don’t want to create a new Subledger method from scratch in order to meet the few

unique requirements, what can be done?
In such a case oracle provides you with an option of copying a seeded Subledger

accounting method and make alterations in the copy and use it as a Subledger method for
your business. So that you need not perform all the setups required for a Subledger


Oracle Applications R12 – Subledger Accounting
While creating a Subledger accounting method, I have created few conditions,

which are illogical, but the system hasn’t stopped me from proceeding. Does oracle
checks each and every setup created for a new Subledger accounting method at

every stage?
Oracle allows you to create only logical setups in a Subledger accounting method, even

though the validations are not performed at each and every stage, after performing all the
setups required for a Subledger accounting method , you must validate the Subledger

accounting method as a whole in order to make it available for usage. At that time system
will prevent you from proceeding with all illogical combinations.

I have made a change in my Subledger accounting which was working fine
previously, but after making changes, it is not performing any accounting operation

at all, why is that?
Whenever you make any change to any part of Subledger accounting method, saving

those changes alone is not enough, you need to validate it again only then the changes
made will come in to effect. Whenever you face any such errors please always check the

Subledger accounting method form, whether the validate button is enabled or disabled. If
it is enabled means, the Subledger accounting method requires validation, if it is disabled,

then it does not allow you to validate further, since it is already validated.

Due to the recent changes in statute, my accounting method needs to be changed

with immediate effect, should I implement a new ledger with new accounting
method to proceed further?

No need for that. You can change your Subledger accounting method from the
Accounting Setup Manager screen itself. The new transactions, which are going to be

entered, will be accounted as per the new accounting method attached.
For what ledgers one can setup Subledger accounting options?

For Primary and Secondary ledgers
How has to one link the accounting method to the Subledger module used, is there a

profile option?
All subledgers assigned to a ledger inherit the Subledger Accounting method assigned for

that ledger.
I need to stop all accounting related operations to one of my Subledgers, will that be


Oracle Applications R12 – Subledger Accounting
Yes, you can disable the Subledger accounting for a particular application, however it is

available only for secondary ledgers. Subledger Accounting will generate no entries if the
application is in disabled status.

I have created a new SLA method, which is used for all subledgers. In future if I
need to upgrade to higher version, does the new patches or codes affect my SLA

method created? Will I be required to recreate it again?
Definitions created by users are not overwritten by upgrades to Subledger Accounting.

However upgrades can still affect definitions if your Subledger Accounting method uses
the seeded components.

What are Transaction Chart of Accounts and Accounting Chart of Accounts?
For recording of transactions one will use the Transaction Chart of Accounts and for

generating journal entries one will use the Accounting Chart of Accounts.
The usage or the distinction means more only when the user implements Secondary

ledgers in his setups, if the user does not have secondary ledgers, then for his primary
ledger the transaction and accounting chart of accounts remains one and the same.

In case of Secondary ledgers how the system correlates between Transaction chart
of accounts and Accounting Chart of Accounts?

One has to perform Chart of Accounts Mapping between Transaction and Accounting
chart of accounts.

Oracle Applications R12 – Subledger Accounting

One can never be able to alter an seeded accounting method i.e. accounting
method owned by oracle, we can only take a copy of the seeded accounting

method and change the validations and insert rules, where ever it is appropriate.
Subledger accounting method created by Oracle cannot be modified or deleted.

Subledger accounting does not interfere with Auto Accounting or Workflow
Account Generator for account generation, which continues to perform the same

operations as it was in earlier versions.
One cannot define an illogical or impossible accounting rule since it allows you to

define, test and validate accounting rules; therefore, journal entries generated by
SLA have very little risk of error.

If you want to make changes to the standard seeded Subledger accounting
method, then you can make a copy of the available Subledger accounting and

make the necessary changes you wanted in it.
Whenever you make alteration to any rules to any of the components in Subledger

accounting, you need to validate your SLA method again, only then you can use
it, else it will throw an error.

The transaction and accounting charts of accounts are always the same for the
primary ledger.

The Subledger Accounting option is visible only for secondary ledgers in the
ledger options view described in Subledger Accounting Options Setup Pages.

Subledger Accounting will generate no entries for an application if Subledger
Accounting is disabled for the ledger.

Use Primary Ledger Amount field is only displayed for a secondary ledger if the
corresponding Subledger application has been enabled for Valuation Method.

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